Finding a copyright law expert is more than just about finding a lawyer with the right technical expertise in intellectual property law -the decision to engage a particular copyright lawyer needs to be a strategic one. Although having the right level of experience in copyright law is important, an ideal copyright lawyer is someone who is an extension of your business and is able to advise you on all stages of the IP life cycle, as well as formulate an appropriate strategy for the protection of your IP. Here are our top tips for finding the best copyright law experts in Sydney.
When searching for a copyright lawyer, it is important to consider the years of experience they have. A lot of the time, this depends on what your expectations are for the copyright lawyer in terms of the specific copyright issues or questions you have. A good starting point is to look at the profile of a particular lawyer or law firm on their website and see what types of matters they have advised on, the types of businesses they have acted for, and their key areas of interest and expertise. This will help you determine whether they are the right fit for your company. Obviously, the more complex your IP strategy is, the more important it is for you to engage a copyright lawyer with many years of experience.
Technical Expertise
A copyright lawyer with not only legal knowledge but technical expertise in the subject matter of the IP is a massive plus for any business. For example if you are a software company, it is particularly helpful if your copyright lawyer also has programming experience and knowledge and understands terms like “source code” and “object code”. For specific industries such as biotechnology, it is also helpful if a lawyer has a relevant degree in that particular industry.
IP Expertise
A well-rounded intellectual property lawyer with exposure to all areas of intellectual property law including trademarks, patents, design and copyright law is essential to your business. However, it is also important to consider the depth of their experience in relation to copyright law and whether they have any specific expertise in copyright law related to your particular business or industry. An expert in copyright law will almost always be able to answer all of your pressing questions to complex copyright issues.
Understanding of your business/industry
A copyright lawyer who understands the legal issues facing your industry and how copyright law operates in your industry, is an asset to any business. If the copyright lawyer has worked in the industry, this is an even bigger advantage. For example, a copyright lawyer who previously worked as a software developer will understand the technical nature of the work a software developer does and will therefore be able to pinpoint key issues that other lawyers may overlook due to their lack of understanding of the tech industry.
Arnotts Technology Lawyers have over 30+ years of experience in technology law, so you can trust us to help you with all of your copyright issues relating to the tech sector. To find out more, contact us today or call us on 1800 749 294.